Hey guys, its been a while i`m not update my lovely diary.. but today i`m back!
Dear My Lovely Diary ,i have a lot of story to tell..First thing, ;) Is about me..
today i feel good but i`m suffering sort of heart disorder. A lot of thing was spinning in my head.Ah, its nothing about you la! ;) , its about my life and my boy-fie, and all this come out from my history.. hoho but now its getting better.. Alhamdulillah..this week i feel very awful..first, is a because my Management Accounting result,ugh, i`m really hated that subject..but from 11 September i need to give some of my love to THAT subject..huhhu then,my tooth pain, ..so i had teeth extraction..That time i am able to get rid of my fear. and now my gum still not very well, and still bleeding..and because of this tooth extraction , i demam k! for 2 days..

Second part, is about my family.. Alhamdulillah .. we have going so much change. we are going better , only sometimes, when my self (lazy) was came.. haha my ayah,start la come to my room, turn of air-cond, fan , and switch on the lamp.. and shout " Akak bangun! Takkan biar mak sorang-sorang kemas, masak bla,bla,n bla," ye la my room , if 12 pm pun you all never wake up, because my windows is dark.
I think at this age my father and my mother was change, my father plak who is berleter one..Nak plak, time sahur and berbuka..
my father, start la.. " akak jaga , ikan tu ada tulang, akak, nasi ni keras, akak tu, akak ni, "haha now he always make a joke with us.. sometime he try to treat us like a kids.. My mom.. as usual, she love to make a joke. Even she sick,we all duk la sedih-sedih, she still melawak lagi.. She is the most naughty one in my family. Laughing always. My Sibling, we are more and more closely, ye la da besar kan.. We all manja plak, Hopefully my family happy ever after.. InsyaAllah. And for your information , every day , i cook okay! for sahur and berbuka my family , with muah,muah mom..hehe Alhamdullilah
Last part, is about my BF, haish.. i do not know what to say.. i`m not sure what i am feel now.. hope this feeling was not longer ..
Happy Fasting to all my Great Friend..