Owh this week really test my patient ,a lot of work, project, meeting , assignment, presentation and quizzes need to be done! Every day I , Aidil and Farid will back at 2.30 am.
5th December
I and Aidil have a mid semester exam. Audit paper ! haha mati kami! Adoiyai!
And Meeting again about Grand Dinner Novac!
6th December
Presentation for Internal Security Act 1960 Ugh! I need to explain to the pro and cons about this act were depended by our research of event that occurred in Malaysia! Huuu scary you know, to study it especially when I look the video Memali 1985 tragedy and a lot of event that related needed this act. Although its have a lot of pro in national in keeping the peace, but the cons of this act also need to discuss like arrest the innocent people.
Alhamdulillah I have done smoothly. mark of our presentation is (19/20)
7th & 8th December
Every class I got a quizzes so its seems that I need to study 6 of quizzes ! Insane!
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