It's my birthday. Birthday is the time when your age increase, ;)
Today I’ve received many kind wishes for my birthday. It means the world to me that you all are thinking of me on my special day :)
A warm thank you to all who sent me birthday wishes via call, and sms. Via FB? hoho sorry,i do not have facebook. My lover told that, " No personal FB are allowed " haha
I am very fortunate to be surrounded by so many good people like u guys. From bottom of my heart, thanks again for all the birthday wishes! I really appreciate that. Love from me to all of you. Here, among the wishes :)
Okay my lovely day, started by 12am, I call my mom and dad to get their wish, because i want they a the first wishes for me, because i really miss them damn much! Then follow by Happy Birthday song from Fared and Aidil. Haha thanks guy..
About 12.10 am my first sms and call i got from Wari. Haha It seems that they not forgot who am i in their life, Thank You friends.
1.00 am I go back to my room after I had done all my assigmnent ! Guest what? I got my first present and wishes card from my BFF, Sie Qiela. Love, I really love you, lovu you so much Qila. Thanks for being my friends, I hope our friendship is always be protect by Allah. InsyaAllah.Then, I slept and woke up in the early morning! Owh my god today is my 21th Birthday and I started the day off with a follow by as usually routine , got a class with my lover.. ;)
Then this is Sie Qiela, 8pm, Airiza Aidil come to my resident hall took me for somewhere and I got a SUPRISEs! Haha Alhamdulillah I am really appreciate your presence into my life guys. Credit to Airiza Aidil, thank you so much dear, you are such a wonderful thing, that I ever had! K bye guys toodles! Do not forget to prays of my happiness okay.. Love you!
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