Steamboat time


Hye! 3.35 am already! I still not sleep yet! LOL tomorrow I have exam!  but I just finish five episode of One Piece! I really addicted with this anime.. haha  I gediks with this new application(pic colledge) , erm not badla.. kan? Ke x cantik? Last night, I went to steamboat anf Menara Alor star, gigih tgh berhujan pun sanggup bergambar xde kirje !

Sekarang baru episode 150 .. 350 episode more to go.. huh
kla anyway.. dont forget to pray for my exam akay?

My last final exam in UUM

Assalammualaikum w.b.t

Haa.. today 8 june 2013, Ainul and Aidil exam at Muadzam Shah hall .. korang tau x ? Zaman mula-mula kami menjejakkan kaki kat hall ni 28 june 2009.. kami berdua baru 19 tahun waktu tu.. tak sangka kejab je da 4 tahun berlalu.. terlalu banyak kenangan yang kami kongsikan.. especially with Aidil and my friends.. syahdu pulak rasa! Dala paper ni susah nak mampus..

Haa.. ni gambar org degil.. Ainul kan.. waktu ni exam da abis.. org keluarkan lah handphone tengah tunggu akak abang tu collect paper..

dan... yang paling mahal exam pun nak duduk berkepit dengan Aidil haha

New face of Melur blogspot

Hye! and Assalammualaikum

I have change my blog face. Before, I use bright and soft color, but now I change to dark and gloomy.. Just want to change for contrast one. hehe but its still look nice in my eyes. So, its okay.
Just want to show, human change and human feeling, view for something, opinion is subjective. 
What is subjective? Its mean that, every human see certain thing by different of view and opinion. 

For example, when you put the smiley face at your facebook status.  Someone, will like, someone will ask, ~Ainul is there's something happen? and others also will ask Ainul, do you want share something good?? and bla, bla

So, my conclusion here, beauty, opinion, happiness, successful, greatness and anything related others, please don't judge and argue, they have their own reason. If there's obviously wrong, bad, or ugly that will harm that person and your intention for their good sake it okay but you are not allowed to condemn others. 
This  message for remind me to not do that!
Thank you~ Have a nice day people!

Nak cakap sket pasal Accounting

Assalammualaikum w.b.t
Guys.. sekarang da musim exam.. Maka musim macamni kalau korang nak cari Ainul and Aidil sila-silalah cari di library yer.. sampai pukul 3 pagi pun kami masih wujud di sana .. tula nampak sangat kami ni last minute study an? haha memang pun.. sebab account ni banyak perlu pakai otak kalau stakat technical ni keyin data buat account segala tu zaman SPM la der.. So hanya study bila rasa nak study, study hard not Smart! but for technical subject kena study smart, yela duk menghafal segala cam dak law and science. but bukan kami.. k, level SPM , and year 1 dulu mungkinlah skarang tak de maknenyer ko nak jumpe kira2 dah.. XDE KIRA_KIRA NI sume kait analyze, and evaluate.. Account is about you evaluate efficient and effectiveness for certain thing!

Aku geram betul orang yang tahu apa itu accounting nak cakap pasal account! Account ni belajar semua kot law pun kena tahu, management pun kena tahu, marketing cara susun barang dalam kedai efficient ke tak pun kena belajar tau sebab semua melibatkan kos, ethics segala kna master cause we are dealing and managing the bottom line level until top level! Account ni ade banyak bahagian lagi management Accounting - MA ni kalau awak semua nak jadi CEO,CRO, CFO, CMO segala.. marketing, operation, human resource ambilla Management Accounting!

Then ade TAX Accountant, AUDIT Accountant, Forensic Accountant,kalau korang minat law tapi ambil Account jadilah Secretary Accountant
kalau ko jadi accountant tak demaknenya ko buat report segala tu bukan kerja accountant kalau stakat record merekod ni aku ambil org lepasan SPM je tak yah bazir duit ko bayar mahal2 kat accountant!
Kalau ko kerja accountant kat hospital sumer ko kna tahu, even ubat yang selalu digunakan untuk certain penyakit pun kna tahu sebab kalau ko auditor ko kna check match kan rawatan yang ade takut ade fraud, kalau ko management accountant ko kena analyze ade waste ke tak ? nak order gune tool mane untuk minimize cost and untuk kualiti ubat lagi, ambil kira masa lagi.. all you need take into account!

Sedikit fakta siapa dan apa kerja acountant (Tony Fernandes)
Tan Sri Anthony Francis "Tony" Fernandes, CBE (born 30 April 1964) is a Malaysian Indian entrepreneur. He is the founder of Tune Air Sdn. Bhd., who introduced the first budget no-frills airline, AirAsia, to Malaysians with the tagline "Now everyone can fly". Fernandes managed to turn AirAsia, a failing government-linked commercial airline, into a highly successful budget airline public-listed company. He has since founded the Tune Group of companies.

Founder Maxis Ananda Krishnan pun Bachelor Accounting tau belum cakap Air Asia lagi an.. Haish so please dont underestimate accounting ni yerrr.. tak tahu better jangan cakap. Range gaji fresh graduate pun da RM2200 keatas, nak pulak kalau you ade advantage macam professional certificate or mandarin lagi baik ni haa starting salary dier..

Sebab tu Allah suruh belajar bukan bandingkan kos orang ni lagi senang , kos orang ni lagi senang dapat kerja, kos orang ni xde kerja,, Ilmu Allah tu luas kalau mudah macam tu je.. baik x yah belajar.. nak pulak orang yang x professional tak open minded lansung asyik nak cakap core dia la paling bagusm core dia la, paling senang dapat kerja, gaji paling tinggi la apa.. la semua bahagia ada kelebihannya sebab tu la kita kena master sesuatu bahagia dan combine ngan kepakarang orang lain baru hebat kalau semua benda nak bersaing susahlah macam tu!

Last final for my bachelor

Assalammualaikum w.b.t 
I have passed 4 year in Kedah. For me this the most lively place to stay. Low cost of living and a every where you can see the "jualan murah". Buy one free one every where, if at my place the price range RM250-RM 400 but here you can only get the same brand at RM80-RM200. If you go Langkawi you only need RM60 you can survived, 30 minutes from Perlis, 1 and half hours from Penang, and 15 minutes from Thailand. Seriously ! The stuffs that are sold here are really cheap rather than others state. Then have a lot of sightseeing, such as mountain cave, forest- camping, river, hot springs, orchard - grapes, durians, and island.
When I thought I`m leaving deep insight its feel something but I know I need go now, a lot of thing, adventures, route, and experience I need to explore. So this my last final exam in UUM.

Dear Aidil, 
Terima kasih untuk tiga tahun kita bersama, Tiga tahun ini banyak perkara kita tempuhi bersama, kita belajar banyak perkara bersama, kita selesaikan masalah bersama, pengalaman yang dikongsikan bersama, Didalam kelas, makan, minum, bekerja di waffer, hotel, kedai celcom, even exam pun kita duduk bersama, hanya kita berdua. 

Terima kasih kerana sentiasa ada untuk saya dikala susah dan senang, bahagia dan sedih, kaya dan miskin. Hampir semua negeri kita telajahi bersama, dan juga kita berdua haha kalau nak diceritakan disini sampai habis 10 buah buku pun belum tentu cukupkan. I love you sayang. So, lets struggle for our last step to accomplished our bachelor and sketch our new world together.

See.. exam pun ngada nak duduk sama2.. sometimes when I give up, I see him to gain my strength back. So, both of us always get A for exam hehe

 This July, I and Aidil will start work at KLIA and this November our last paper for UK CIMA paper. 
Ya Allah give us the best way for our future and forgive us.

Guys, please pray for Me and Aidil to continues study abroad for MASTER plak. In Sha Allah.  Amiin